Debian will let you choose to have everything in 1 partition, or have seperate partitions for the important directory's. One advantage of having seperate partitions, You cannot fill the root system by accident if you upload a lot to the home directory. Linux will NOT boot correct , if the root filesystem is full

In the overview, You can check to see if all is set up correct before writing the changes to harddisk. Once you press finish, it will show you the next screen if you are really sure .

Once you select yes, It will write the changes to harddisk and format all partitions.

If Debian cannot guess you're timezone by looking at the bios, it will ask you for the timezone

Next you will have to enter the root password. Do not choose an easy to guess password if you want the server to be reachable from the internet. (if you want to use SSH for example to manage the server from work)

Next is setting up an account to use for FTP transfer.